About Us

Thank you for visiting De La Design Gifts Pottery Supplies. 

De La Design, LLC is owned and operated by Jeff and Debi DelaCruz. We are a family owned business that started out as a custom vinyl business in 2009. In 2020, we expanded our business to include 3D printed pottery tools. As this new venture has grown, we have downsized our vinyl business to just a few of our best selling items. Our focus now is on pottery tools and supplies. Just this past year, we were fortunate enough to move the majority of the business to a small office building in Springfield, MO. 
Since we've been growing, we have several full time and part time employees that help keep things running smoothly. Our team consists of:


Owner, designer and hobby potter. I started the vinyl business in 2009 on my own and eventually added my husband and employees to the team. In 2020, I realized that I couldn't find cookie cutters in large sizes to do what I wanted to do with pottery. I knew we wanted to expand our business and since I knew that they were products that I wanted as a potter, others would as well. I bought several printers and began the task of learning the machines and dusting off my design skills. I oversee all areas of the business and do a bit of everything. I am a former designer at a stainless steel pre-processing plant.


Husband and co-owner. He helps out with the vinyl side when it gets busy but has mainly been focused on inspecting and cleaning up the 3D prints and helping with printer maintenance. Jeff's previous work was as a welder and lead at a stainless steel pre-processing plant.


My daughter. She works for us full time and runs most of the 3D printing side of things starting up printers, filling orders, and helping out in others areas when needed. 


My daughter-in-law. She has recently committed to working full time for us while she goes back to school. She helps with both the vinyl and 3D doing shipping, filling orders, and other odd jobs. If you contact us via email, you're most likely talking to Kenzie!


The niece of my children. She runs the vinyl business almost entirely on her own and helps out with the 3D printing, starting up printers and sorting orders as needed.


One of two non-relatives, Christy is a local high school girl that works part time. She helps run the printers and fulfill orders.


Amanda is a friend of Debi's who helps out throughout the week cleaning prints and running printers in the evening. When they have time, Amanda and I enjoy doing pottery and testing out new products!


Hannah works as a full time teacher but has recently started helping out cleaning prints as need. She does great work and is very thorough.


Kade works part time for us coming in a few evenings a week to help fix and start up printers.